People at Gameforge - Allegra / Live Producer

Introduce yourself: What do you do at Gameforge and how long have you been part of the Gameforge team?

My name is Allegra, and I am a live producer for the game Metin2. I had already been an intern in marketing for a couple months in 2009. I’ve been an established member of the GF family since 2011 – 8 of those years as a writer. Since one should never get too comfortable, I thought it was time for a change and decided to join the live producers in 2019. Here I coordinate both the processing of Metin2 projects and much to do with the organisation of daily live operations for games.

Describe your typical working day.

First thing in the morning, I read my emails, Mattermost or Skype messages. I check my Jira Dashboard to see if any tasks have been left uncompleted from the day before and see which need done for the day. I then check the status of my ongoing projects, respond to any unanswered questions and prepare upcoming projects. I coordinate any tasks which may arise and include the info in the Jira tickets so everyone knows what’s to be done for when. I spend a lot of time running around the office looking for answers and speaking to people directly. At the moment in home office, this all takes place virtually through Mattermost or video calls.

Can you name your most common task?

Communication – this is the linchpin of my job. I am a contact person for all departments and coordinate tasks as part of the daily business and in the course of any projects. There are always questions, problems to solve as a group or decisions to discuss.

What is the most enjoyable thing about your job?

Without a doubt, working with the team. After a successful project release, it’s a great feeling to see what we’ve accomplished together. Or even when things don’t go so well and we’re thrown off course, we dust ourselves off and pull the cart out of the mud together.

What makes you and your position indispensable for Gameforge?

No one is indispensable! But my position is important, because somebody has to keep an eye on things, tie up loose ends and pester people until everything has been completed.

Why did you decide on this career, exactly?

I like giving people admonishing looks and pointing at the clock at work. So live producer was the logical conclusion.

Which three characteristics describe the collaboration in your team?

Supportive. Stress-resistant Gallows humour.

What qualities does an applicant need to have to be successful in your department, both in terms of the job and in terms of the team?

They should have the ability to manage chaos and find peace amidst the storm. Being able to healthily deal with stress and bombard people with questions also wouldn’t hurt. 

In your opinion, what makes Gameforge special as an employer?

Gameforge is a very family-friendly company – as the mother of two children, this is deeply important to me. It’s also a place where people can turn their passion into a career.

What do you wish for Gameforge’s future?

The next big success. And the next. And the next. And the next…

What games are you privately interested in most?

I love old-school point-and-click adventures: Monkey Island and basically all LucasArts games, Gabriel Knight, Broken Sword…

And now for an inside story. What is your personal highlight at Gameforge?

My first business trip to Korea for a Metin2 workshop. It was an incredible experience despite my fear of flying

Why do you like working in Karlsruhe and what’s your favourite location here?

Karlsruhe is a cosy, little city, and it’s position near two others borders can’t be beat. My favourite place is the city gardens – children can run around here without being run over by bicyclists. That’s not often the case in Karlsruhe.

What are you interested in outside of work?

My couch, my television and Netflix.

What do you still want to do or achieve in life?

In my private life: I want to see cherry blossoms bloom in Japan or see the Indian Summer in Vermont. In my career: there’s still room for improvement. Let’s see what happens.

Imagine Gameforge were a party. What would your responsibilities be before, during and/or after the party? 

Before: party planner. During: chaperon and killjoy. I would delegate the clean-up work for after the party.

On a scale of 1 to 10 – how crazy are you?

-1. I’m so boring, I make the office plants yawn.

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