People at Gameforge - Meike / Receptionist

Introduce yourself: What do you do at Gameforge and how long have you been part of the Gameforge team?

I’m Meike, and for three years, I’ve handled the reception desk and travel as part of the Corporate Office Service department.

Describe your typical working day and list a few of your common tasks.

I check and prioritise the incoming mail in our postboxes. After that, I complete one task after the other. I process requests from colleagues, organise business trips, send prizes to winners of contests and manage conference rooms so they aren’t double-booked.  

One of the most common tasks is checking incoming bills before they’re sent off to Accounting. I also take care of the mail and open the doors at the office when the doorbell rings (mostly for co-workers who have forgotten their keys).

What is the most enjoyable thing about your job?

The variation. Every day, there’s a new request or task coming in that we’ve never encountered before. So there’s always something new to learn. 

What makes you and your position indispensable for Gameforge?

I’m one of the few people who can create virtual credit cards. ^^

No, but kidding aside, I am very cheerful and open-minded person, and people notice this when they visit our offices.

Why did you decide on this career, exactly?

I’m a trained office administrator, but when I started out here I was working as part of the company’s service staff. Luckily, I heard the company was looking for a new receptionist and immediately submitted an internal application. 

Which three words describe the collaboration in your team?

Welcoming, supportive and fun

In your opinion, what makes Gameforge special as an employer?

Working independently in various areas ranging from as an assistant to booking large travelling arrangements.

The wide selection of food and drinks and the massages are absolutely terrific. There are also little surprises around Christmas and Easter for the employees.

And my English has gotten considerably better through working at the office because the company covers the costs for foreign language courses and supports you as much as possible. This all makes Gameforge a very special employer.

What do you wish for Gameforge’s future?

Success and for great new games to really take off.

What games are you privately interested in most?

To be honest, I’m not much of a gamer. I play around with my tablet from time to time.

And now for an inside story. What is your personal highlight at Gameforge?

I honestly can’t choose just one. There are so many highlights from working with Gameforge: going to the cinema, parties, team events

Why do you like working in Karlsruhe and what’s your favourite location here?

This is my home. I think it’s beautiful how despite being in a city there’s still so much nature around us.

What are you interested in outside of work?

I’m a fairly quiet person who enjoys being at home. But I also like meeting up with friends or taking my dog for a walk.

I like to read, and when I pick up a good book, I forget about the world around me and am immersed in a new reality. It’s the same with a good television series. ^^ This explains why I spend so much time at home. :D

What do you still want to do or achieve in life?

To start a family; I already have a dog. But I’d also very much like to travel more and see the world.

Imagine Gameforge were a party. What would your responsibilities be before, during and/or after the party? 

I would be part of the organising team and plan it. I enjoy coming up with new ideas. And I would make travel arrangements for the guests’ arrival and departure. I do this in real life, actually.

On a scale of 1 to 10 – how crazy are you?

Aren’t we all a little crazy? I’d place myself somewhere in the middle. I like trying new things but am also sceptical at first and give myself plenty of time to reconsider whether or not I should do something.


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